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Inner Alignment System
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Inner Alignment with Kim Beekman (3).png

 Developed by Kim Beekman in 2015, the Inner Alignment System (IAS) has served over 450 participants using a repeatable process for healing anxiety and depression at the root cause: childhood trauma stored in the body. IAS is a six-layered approach (spiritual, consciousness, energetic, mental, emotional, and physical) in an intensive eight-week format leveraging the neurocircuitry of healing. Inner Alignment restores mental welbeing by reestablishing the unconditional loving presence within the soul through the Three Pillars described in Kim's Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval for Healing Childhood Trauma book:

Three Pillars

of Inner Alignment


Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval Healing Sessions

​Weekly sessions start with a mental/emotional trigger, which are sourced into the body memory, worked through six-layered precise healing techniques, and finished with the soul part being integrated back into the present body.


Rewiring Coaching and Practices

​Weekly curriculum educates the fundamentals of building consciousness so that participants can actively learn how to work with and rewire the six layers of the body through: 20min/day rewiring practices on a different layer of the body; coaching support for practices, and integration into daily self care.


Intensive 24/7 Support and Love

Our team rebuilds participants' secure attachment (safety and connection) in relationships by creating a field of loving presence provided around the clock. Participants are then able to build a sense of self-trust and self-care through the inner connection to shift out of habitual resistance and trauma patterns.

Inner Alignment Practitioner Certifications (Levels 2 & 3)

18 month deep journey with 7-10 peers

  • Level 1 Inner Healing - streamlined (2mths)

  • Level 2 Coach Trg (3mths)
    to learn IA fundamental structure/skills 

  • Coach Skills Practice (3mths)

  • Level 3 Soul Retrieval Process Trg (2mths)
    to learn precise trauma healing skills

  • Healing Skills Practice & Spiritual Training (8mths) with session feedback, shadow work, consciousness teachings

  • Bi-weekly connection and support with trainers and peers

  • Business and marketing training 

Over 140 practitioners trained

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Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval
Intensive Healing Program 
(Level 1)

2 Healers + 1 Rewiring Coach
over 8 weeks

  • Weekly Soul Retrieval Sessions

  • Weekly Video Curriculum

  • Weekly Rewiring Coach Sessions

  • 24/7 Support as needed (via text)

  • Daily Rewiring Practice support

  • Weekly Peer Group Gathering

  • Monthly Group Healing Intentions


95% of clients* recover from anxiety or depression
*Not for those with active addiction or severe personality disorders

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Many have spent decades suffering from the effects of childhood trauma, using single layer modalities (e.g., therapy, psych medications, yoga, meditation, EMDR, psychedelics) without much progress in rooting out the trauma stored in the body. Level 1 Inner Healing provides comprehensive inner work necessary to heal old trauma packets and rewire the six layers of the body back to inner alignment with the Heart. 

Because the program works intensively, it conditions the new neurocircuitry to sustain itself prior to graduation. This means that participants are feeling solid, grounded, connected, loved, and content for weeks prior to ending their program. They understand what they need to do to maintain this growth, and they have access to a community of 400+ grads to support them after their healing experience.


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Ready to make a profound impact in the world?

This 18 month journey is a pathway of deep inner awakening through service to those who suffer from anxiety and depression caused by childhood trauma. Practitioners graduate with their healing business set up and already taking clients. No other program in the world prepares healers with the:


  • consciousness to spiritually awaken clients

  • skills to work precisely in the body-based trauma

  • prepared curriculum (videos/workbooks) for your clients

  • ability to overcome inner blocks each time you uplevel

  • unlimited ongoing support through a seasoned and generous practitioner community

  • peer community to feel supported and cheered on

  • ethical business practices to ensure integrity 

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To determine whether Inner Alignment matches your goals, schedule a session to develop your Healing Blueprint (30min - $45) so Kim can help you determine if this is a good fit!

Text: 703.599.9566   

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