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Inner Alignment Practitioner Certification

Have you studied yoga/Reiki but want to make a more profound impact?

The Inner Alignment Practitioner Certification is being offered exclusively to lightworkers who are ready to heal the root cause of what is holding you back from making a profound impact in others' lives. The IA system provides the inner work, the coaching structure, the healing toolbox, and spiritual community using a turnkey process (a system that produces repeatable results, and access to use IA curriculum/workbooks with your clients). You get to activate your Life Purpose, move beyond imposter syndrome, and start to anchor transformative change in humanity during this critical time of profound shifts on the planet.​ This 18-month program is the most comprehensive training to heal yourself, coach clients in a sacred and transformative space, and become an Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval Healer to root out childhood trauma that causes long-term anxiety and depression. Over 450 clients have recovered using this healing program, 125 of which became Coaches and almost 50 have become Healers!

We have consolidated and accelerated the 2024-25 program to certify practitioners for the current high demand that exists for this ground-breaking modality described in Kim's Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval for Healing Childhood Trauma book. 


Phase I: Personal Inner Healing (Level 1 - two months) 

Most of us hit our Tiny Mad Idea of unworthiness (not “good enough”) when we embark on the path of profound service. The first two months of Certification allows us to clean up those trauma patterns, lineage karmic behaviors and belief systems to pave the pathway of transformation. During this phase, you fill your toolbox with inner transformation tools that you will ultimately offer your own clients after certification. Participants are assigned a Level 3 Certified Soul Retrieval Healer who meets with you weekly for ~90 min in Phase I to cover rewiring practices, and do inner work (Soul Retrieval healing, fear exploration, belief system, and upper dimension work). Alongside healing sessions and weekly curriculum, there are eight weekly group gatherings with Kim for inner assimilation of the experience. Learn to activate the 6-layered body:

  • Activate your 9 dimensions of consciousness

  • Channel Light and transmute energetic interference

  • Activate your Light Body and Divine Blueprint

  • Process negative emotions and old trauma packets stored within

  • Neutralize the mental body back to “what-is”

  • Open your 5th Dimension portal of the Sacred Heart for Divine connection

  • Cleanse personal and lineage karma and through systematic spiritual transmutation

  • Do Shadow work for pure self-acceptance and self-love

  • Heal relationships and up-level partnerships back to sacred love

Phase II: Inner Alignment Coach Certification & Practice (Level 2 - five months) 

Once you’ve transformed your own emotions, thoughts, and beliefs back to inner alignment, you are ready to hold that same container for others. At this point, we teach you coaching methodology that allows you to activate transformation in your own clients so they can connect to their inner truths, and learn how to transform their own inner blockages. Learn to hold a sacred container and rewire the six layers of the body with clients using the Inner Alignment 8-week coaching structure that produces repeatable transformative results. Practice the foundational skills to become a vessel of Divine miracles and lasting change that rewires the way clients think, feel, and experience life. 

  • Learn to channel the Light on behalf of your clients for accelerated healing and growth

  • Activate your client’s soul truths and Divine blueprint

  • Balance their energetics (chakras, doshas)

  • Teach them to process fear out of their body (trauma packets), and shift out of negative thoughts and emotions when in a pain body

  • Rewire their brain and body to sustain higher thoughts, frequencies and emotions

  • Sustain their higher vibrations through their own self-care


Each week of Coach Certification:

  • Self-study curriculum videos that teach a key skill to be practiced throughout the week

  • Provide coaching to one peer and receive coaching from a different peer each week to hone the skill and receive feedback

  • After training, coach a member of your community through the 8 week coaching structure for experience with a practice client, and receive feedback for skill refinement

  • Weekly Group Q&A with Inner Alignment team for support

Phase III: Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval Healer Training & Practice (Level 3 part 1 - three months) 
Become a skillful Soul Retrieval Healer who can root out trauma from the body and facilitate permanent mental/emotional, energetic and spiritual shifts in clients to overcome a lifetime of anxiety and depression. 

  • Receive spiritual initiation and activation into the community of spiritual healers

  • Self-study the Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval Healing Process

  • Conduct weekly skill Practice with peers; receive feedback on healing sessions from peers and Trainer

  • Weekly support with Soul Retrieval Trainers 

Phase IV: Spiritual Training for Healer Consciousness & IA Healer Certification (Level 3 part 2 - seven months) 
Activate the soul consciousness to be the pure vessel through which the Divine heals your clients. This provides the deep spiritual training and mentorship required to do healing work without taking on others' energy/karma.

  • Bi-weekly curriculum to expand your consciousness to hold any issue that clients bring

  • Receive training on healer practices based in yogic and shamanic teachings to create healer consciousness

  • Troubleshoot client barriers to healing and receive support while doing healing sessions in your community

  • Group Teachings and Q&A bi-weekly

  • Learn practical skills to launch your healing offer in an ethical and successful business. Note: All Healers are actively offering sessions in their community by the time they are certified so their business is fully launched by certification (with waivers, website, and enrollment strategies).

Kim provides all-access to the inner workings of her business and non-profit so that certified healers can model every aspect of running a successful and ethical spiritual business. Students are trained in ethical enrollment and business methods so that healing others feels clean and service-focused. All certified Healers gain access to use the IA modules and workbooks with their clients so they can focus on being a vessel for Divine to heal through you.

Graduates receive continued free monthly mentorship and support for working with clients, and co-create a collaborative community with over 125 other practitioners. (Most people can't even imagine what continued inner work and practitioner mentorship for 18 consecutive months can create when you're working with a profoundly deep community container.)


Fees & Dates

These phases are being offered this year at a 20% discount (with a 4 payment option) because our sister non-profit organization, the Childhood Trauma Foundation, has a high need to get healers certified to deliver healing programs for those receiving need-based healing scholarships.


2024 only: 4 payments of $3675 (due Oct 1, Jan 1, April 1, July 1)
We provide the opportunity to pause/stop after each phase of the program if necessary.

*fees are non-refundable and non-transferable


Program starts Oct 2024!

Level 3 Healer Experiences

Alongside learning the technical Soul Retrieval Process, Healer Apprentices go through a profound shift in consciousness as they learn to integrate their spiritual beliefs into practical healing tools. The Level 3 experience is a deep inner spiritual up-leveling which is revealed by the soul and Divine (and spiritual guides) over the course of the year. Each person experiences this shift differently within a container of closely connected peers. Listen below for the types of experiences our Healers have.

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This program has a Return on Investment (ROI) of 1 year; meaning, you can make back the cost of the program within one year of doing this part-time (1 new client per month).


Click HERE for financing information

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