Teen Inner Alignment
Kim Beekman and her team of Teen Inner Alignment Facilitators
are offering an incredible opportunity for teens and tweens who are searching for better ways to manage stress in everyday life. Whether the stress is caused by negative thoughts, dysregulated emotions, or external relationship issues, teens can find a great sense of inner power when equipped with effective tools.
Teens will learn how to manage their internal reactions to external triggers by learning:
what disrupts their vibration, nervous system, emotions, and thoughts (identifying triggers);
how their inner physics responds to the external triggers;
what they can do to regain alignment through each layer of the body (nervous system, thoughts, emotions, energetic, spiritual); and
practical strategies and tools for coping with the stress.
To qualify, Teens and Tweens (ages 10-19):
Must want to be in the class (encouraged but not required by parents). That said, no teen really wants to do self-help so parents may want to watch this Q&A session before talking to your teen because the initial answer is usually "NOPE."
Are available for Sun Teaching (7:30pm ET but recordings available) and at least one Practice session
Have an emotionally available parent or therapist working alongside this program (ie, checking in to see how they are feeling but not prodding).
To become a Teen Facilitator (ages 13-19):
Those who repeat this program (complete 2x total) can earn 20 volunteer hours and submit a final project to certify as a Teen Inner Alignment Facilitator.
Tuesday 11/13 through 12/22
Attend Weekly Zoom Teaching
(This will likely be Sun 7:30-9pm ET depending on schedules)
one (or more) additional Practice Zoom Session (30min)
Practice Session options:
Mon 7:30pm ET
Tue 7:30pm ET (maybe)
Wed 8pm ET
Thu 8pm ET
Program Introductory Fee: $375*
*Most of the proceeds go as payment to our 9 teen facilitators. Discounts of 25% available for siblings.
*Please text us if the fee is cost-prohibitive as we have a few partial scholarships once we cover program costs.
More info from Kim and her 3 daughters about the program:
About Kim
Kim Beekman is the author of Awaken Your Potency and Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval for Healing Childhood Trauma. She is the founder of the Inner Alignment Program which is an intensive healing program for adults to heal anxiety and depresssion due to childhood trauma. Kim certifies coaches and healers in this Inner Alignment approach and also teachers Ayurvedic Psychology at Yoga Farm Ithaca. As a mother of three teenage daughters, Kim is passionate about equipping teens with the tools they need to live a balanced and joyful life.