When those who have completed the Soul Retrieval Program (Inner Alignment System) were asked about how life has shifted, here's what some have said:
I feel a deep sense of self love and acceptance. I don't take things as personally. I am more patient and tolerant. I am noticing my ego all the time and responding differently to people. -JK from California
Before the program...I was frightened. This fear was consuming me.
Since the program...I feel safe. I can navigate my fears without an overwhelming sense of anxiety. -CC from New York
Before the program...I felt broken, alone and overwhelmed in my life, my head and my heart. I lived under a veil, just going through the motions and not allowing myself to feel. All while faking my way looking happy to everyone around me through everyday.
Since the program...The healing sessions are nothing I could have predicted. The beautiful divinely guided work that was done was tough sometimes, but I am so glad we were able to go there and FREE myself... I want peace and that’s what I can say I got! I have been given a gift, with everyone involved in my healing in these past 2 months, are all gifts to me. I feel so blessed to have this beautiful soul family always ! I’m so excited to start living! The way I have always felt in my heart ... now the rest of me can feel it too. -GD from Maryland
My favorite part is this newfound daily connection to the Divine, where I can feel all the love, truth, bliss and connection of everything. I love releasing those hurt parts and loving every bit of myself and rewiring my brain to look to my heart for momentum and answers. I love Kim and the deep connection I feel to her, as well as her love and ability to get into the root and truly change and bring ALL to the light for transmutation. I am so grateful for this experience, it's the greatest thing I have ever done in any lifetime. I feel held and loved and cared for and that is completely healing in of itself. -RD from Colorado
Before the program...Feeling a little lost and disconnected from myself and spirit. I knew I needed a change and a guide. I knew I was stuck and did not know how to help myself. I felt dull.
Since the program...I feel connected to myself... I feel connected to spirit in a whole new way. I feel trust for spirit again. In my body I feel unstuck. I feel lighter and as if the energy is finally moving with light and speed. The biggest different is in my heart. It finally feels safe and has been cracked open. I feel love for myself and hope for the future. I feel a new energy surrounding future possibilities and I know I don't need to try and control it and make something happen. I feel strength to continue on my own and finally feel able to ask the universe for direction and things I think I might want. I feel freedom from my past. Phew! -AF from New York
I've never felt such confidence in my own ability before, I've underestimated myself for 44 years, and I've always been working on it, but this was the breakthrough I needed to know and FEEL my worth. -LL from Connecticut
Before the program...I was lost, scared, worried, overwhelmed, confused, guilty, unhappy.
Since the program...I feel more in control of my happiness. I feel more capable of honoring myself and my journey...and others. I feel like I'm getting better at taking care of myself. I'm so much better at forgiving. I'm learning to let go of controlling situations/people. I love the freedom I am feeling about my life; I get to choose what/who I want and the amount/level I want them there. Self-care is vital. I can help my family through my healing! -GS from Idaho
Before the program...I was spiritually lost, not connected to my body in a meaningful way, emotionally depleted but living off reserves from the summer and mentally optimistic but unable to shift the traps where I would get stuck. Wanting to lift the life I live into more joy without it feeling like a tire-ing task.
Since the program...Taking responsibility for my state of life and unpacking my programmed belief systems in order to operate in a more authentic way has been liberating and all of my relationships have been affected. I am putting in place boundaries with my mom, I am feeling able to express love and receive the love I have always wanted from my partner, I am liberating myself and my children from my pain bodies. My life is becoming what I always wanted in the present. -JS from New York
So many things have changed. I truly do feel that I have gained more insight than I have through years of talk therapy. It has made me question my career as a therapist. You can only talk about things so much and there is a limit on what having the head knowledge can provide. It must be integrated and healed in the heart. That is what I have been missing. My life makes so much more sense now. I ... am able to take more responsibility for the things that are happening in my life and in my relationships. I can honestly say that I have not struggled with depression since beginning the program. -TK from Texas
Before the program...I felt there were artifacts of pain at a deep level that I didn't know how to access or process. I could see it when I was triggered, and my reactions often didn't match the specific situation. I could also feel that, more often than I wanted, I was in my head and not in my heart. I felt a longing to connect with myself, but I didn't know how to do it. I also felt myself shutting down in relationships when I felt fear, anger or sadness.
Since the program...I feel like I've grown in my understanding and acceptance of myself and others. I have structure and tools to ground myself into my heart, and to find my way back when I lose myself a bit. There is a peace that exists within me, with the knowledge that I've gained through the program. And I feel as committed as ever to honoring my voice and my life's purpose:) -NT from Wisconsin
I have learned to forgive others and release that which doesn't serve me. -KR from Maryland
Before the program...I had a level 8 neck tension that caused me to be distressed every day and interfered with my ability to get restful sleep. My daughter wasn’t talking to me and my relationship with my husband was strained. I felt sluggish, exhausted and didn’t have a clue about how to go about redefining myself after releasing my traditional nursing job in conventional western healthcare.
Since the program...At this moment, I’m experiencing NO physical discomfort and much more freedom of movement in my body. I’m climbing stairs, alternating steps, which I haven’t done in 2 years! My husband and I are communicating better. I feel confident with what I’ve learned and am certain our marriage will continue to transform in positive ways. My daughter is opening up to more communication. -SZ from North Dakota
I am not constantly searching for my worth outside of myself. Knowing from a cellular level I am worthy has been a huge shift. Being authentic and speaking my truth feels amazing. Calling bullshit when it is necessary. -DH from Idaho
My life is different in many ways. I've acquired the knowledge & skills I've needed in order to take back my life. I have the skills needed to take responsibility for myself my happiness and my well being. I'm now empowered to move in a positive direction which has never been available to me before. Before the program, I was spiritually dead, felt dead inside, and now I feel fully alive. Before the program my marriage was doomed because I couldn't see the forest for the trees but now it's different. Most importantly it is a marraige where I can decide if I want to stay married and it won't break me if I decide differently down the road. The relationships with my grown children have changed as well. Before the program codependency had its death grip on me but now I'm able to see each of them on their own unique journey full of ups and downs. When they open up with problems they face, my intentions are to be the safe person for them to do so and the program has helped me to be the person who can hold space for each of them and my husband too. One last thing I want to mention: My husband says I'm a much happier person and am more at peace. -LK from Texas
I was able to stop importing my past memories into my present and that helped with getting rid of a ton of misery. I was able to move from resistance to acceptance of myself and my dad. I was able to deal with the tough situations with my children, [daughter] in treatment and [son] moving out, shifting from feeling like a complete failure as a parent to giving myself love and compassion for being the best mom I could be. -LB