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Level 1 Reboot


Ready to refresh your inner work, reboot your Rewiring Practices, connect with a small group of like-minded Inner Alignment Grads, and do some deep inner healing? Ummm, hell yeah!


Inner Alignment offers this yearly REBOOT so that Level 1 intensive grads can move through the curriculum and reinvigorate daily practices with a group over 8 weeks. You are paired with a Level 3 Healer Apprentice for weekly healing sessions and daily practice accountability. Each week, Kim facilitates a group gathering with a practice and a teaching on the topic.

Join us! Jan 17 through Mar 17

The program includes:

  1. Level 1 Curriculum emails

  2. 6 Healing Sessions with your designated Healer Apprentice (one intake and 5 healings)

  3. Weekly group gathering (Tuesdays 5-6pm Eastern Time)

    • Practice and Teaching with Kim 

  4. Daily Text with Healer Apprentice for Rewiring Practice accountability

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Don't delay!

There are just 10 spots available for this program, so if you know you'll need support in the new year, this will be the very best way to get your intentions launched!

Program fee: $750*

*Program is FREE with early enrollment into the March Level 2 Coach Certification!!!

(Programs are non-refundable and non-transferable)

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